Tips for Decluttering Your Closet
Graduating high school and transitioning into adulthood or college life can be difficult and overwhelming. One of the easiest ways to clear your mind and better prepare for this season in your life would be to throw out your old, unused items—starting with your wardrobe! Here are a few tips to help you declutter your closet for the big move off to college:
Donate clothes that do not fit or that you no longer wear
The first step in decluttering your wardrobe would be to donate any unworn clothing. This tip should be a no-brainer, but we all have a tendency to hoard clothing that we no longer wear or that simply does not fit. For many people, clothing may hold sentimental value, as each item can be associated with a fond memory or person. Realistically, there is no reason to hold on to clothing that you cannot wear. Thrift stores such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army are always accepting clothing donations.
Keep out-of-season clothing in storage
Summer is right around the corner, so what is the likelihood you’ll be sporting sweaters and scarves? When decluttering, you should remove all out-of-season items from your closet. If you’re going off to college, this tip could be incredibly beneficial, given the limited space you’re provided in a dorm room. When you move out, simply leave out-of-season items at home—you can always go home and collect them once the weather begins to change!
Consider current fashion trends
If you are a fashion lover, current trends may be something to consider when downsizing your wardrobe. You may have an item that you have gotten great use out of in recent seasons but is gradually going out of style. Your wardrobe should enhance your self-esteem, so if you won’t feel confident leaving the house in it, it may be time to part ways with it.